Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Opening a Pomegranate, and Blogger Pomegranate Recipes

Pomegranates are arguably the most beautiful fruit on Earth. Seriously, they could make any dish look pretty. Not only are they pretty, but they are loaded with nutrients (just to name a few; fiber, vitamin C, potassium, and plant nutrients called tannins, which can help get rid of free radicals that damage our cells).

In my last post I asked you for some recipes that you like to use with pomegranates, and you definitely pulled through! But first I wanted to share something I love to do with pomegranates and that is add them to plain Greek yogurt (because I add everything to plain Greek yogurt). Who needs "Pomegranate Flavored Greek Yogurt", which typically has about 5-6 grams of added sugars, when you can just add your own pomegranate to plain yogurt and get ZERO added sugars, and loads of nutrients?!

I get a lot of questions about how to open a pomegranate, and how to get the seeds out without making a huge mess. This video explains my favorite way to extract the seeds without getting "red dye" everywhere.

And now it's recipe time! Here are some that you submitted.

Grace suggested using the pear and pomegranate salsa as a compote to a white fish.<------Great idea!

Jessie said; I tend to put pomegranates into anything - salad, smoothies, on sandwiches (great with leftover turkey), mixed with nuts (candied or plain), with yogurt ... pretty much everywhere :)

Coco did an entire dinner party devoted to the pomegranate. Check out here recipes here!

(Fit Chick in the City) said; I love eating them with a sweet potato and coconut butter. <---- Sounds heavenly!

Jennifer suggested this roasted pumpkin salad, with pomegranates. <---- It's so pretty!

Michelle Voss, from Facebook, says she enjoys pomegranates mixed with chopped oranges <--- Sounds like the perfect winter fruit salad!

EA Stewart
(The Spicy RD) suggested using pomegranates as a garnish, such as with this recipe. <----great idea! Crepes are so pretty on their own, but pomegranates just heightened their beauty.

Here is an entire blog post that contains some favorite blogger pomegranate recipes! The black bean pomegranate dip really intrigues me.

I also really enjoy adding pomegranates to oatmeal. Have you ever tried that?
It's pretty darn amazing. Speaking of oatmeal, Friday's post will be all about oatmeal, because it's been way too long since I've posted any pictures of oatmeal! Seriously, last year I believe I posted oats about a million times, this

QUESTION: What's your favorite winter fruit or vegetable? Mine are pomegranates and brussels sprouts.


  1. I need to watch that video - I'm so intimidated to get the seeds out!

  2. I usually add pomegranate to salads, but I love the idea of using it in other things too--they are just so pretty!

    I think my fave might be brussels sprouts too---roasted!

  3. I love pomegranates...especially in oatmeal and yogurt. I've made cookies with them before - so good!!!

  4. Black bean pom. dip, that does sound intriguing! You know I'm a huge bean dip person...

  5. Pomegranates would be at the top of my list...along with clementines!!

  6. my favorite is brussel sprouts too! so yummy when you bake them.
    i don't know why, but i can't really getting into eating pomegranate seeds. i usually spit them out. is that what other people do?

  7. Wow I am terrible at opening a lot of fruits so I need to watch this video haha. I've never tried opening a pomegranate myself! Might have to make some of these recipes though!

  8. I like the idea of sweet potato and coconut butter...sounds so heavenly, huh??
    That is a tremendous effort of compiling all this great information...thanks for the resource, you rock!
    Favs? Brussels Sprouts...hands down! LOVE IT ALL YEAR!!!

  9. I totally agree - beautiful. I love pomegranate on vanilla ice cream. My dad used to eat it as a kid.

  10. The last time I think I actually ate a pomegranate by doing it myself was in my office at the hospital, and yes, I should have known better than to try while wearing my lab coat. Yes, the white lab coat. What on earth was I thinking! These all look like great recipes. Maybe it's time I buy one at the commissary and try again.

  11. Great pomegranate round up Gina! Your pictures look so pretty, and I love the idea of pomegranate with sweet potato and coconut butter-Yum! Never tried them on oatmeal, but I'm going to now :-)

  12. brussles?! those are a no no on FODMAP though... i can't blame ya they are darn tasty mini cabbages!

    i LOVE the use of pom in salsa - im gonna have to reference that video when I go buy some pom later!
